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Through Friends of Lake Bluff Parks, you can choose how you want to support specific areas of our parks that mean the most to you! Read below to learn about how your contributions will make a difference!


Please use the form below to make a secure online donation. Friends of Lake Bluff Parks is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law.


Please indicate which Fund you would like to contribute to on the form below.


If you prefer not to donate online, you may (1) call the Park District during office hours and make a donation by phone (847-234-4150) or (2) mail in a check (Friends of Lake Bluff Parks, 355 W. Washington, Lake Bluff, IL 60044).

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Sunrise Park & Beach


To preserve our lake front we are continuously in need of support to ensure our treasured beach will be available to the Lake Bluff community for generations to come.

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Parks, Ravines & Bluff


Improvements to favorite spots where our community gathers to play and enjoy the beauty of Lake Bluff.

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Health & Fitness Center Fund


Help keep Lake Bluff committed to total wellness and a healthier lifestyle through our Health & Fitness Center's innovative, motivating, effective, safe and FUN exercise programs and physical activities!

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Cross Country Skiing Fund


The winter months are not an excuse not to get outside! Help keep ou trails groomed so we may all enjoy this activity that reduces stress, increases physical fitness, burns calories, and provides another viewpoint of the beauty of Lake Bluff. 

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Paddle & Tennis Fund


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Pickleball Fund


The Park District has generously partnered with the Friends of the Parks to re-do the old Blair Park tennis courts, turning them into beautiful, dedicated pickleball courts and a training tennis court for children.  The Friends Board is currently raising funds to cover the costs for the new courts.

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Golf Course Fund




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Pool Fund





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Preschool Scholarship Fund​​


The Friends of Lake Bluff Parks supports the mission of the Lake Bluff Park District and recognizes the need within the community to provide assistance for the families who otherwise could not afford to participate in preschool. This Sheppard Preschool Scholarship is funded by the Friends of Lake Bluff Parks.

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Memorial Fund


Donate to honor a loved one who loved their Lake Bluff parks.


Unrestricted Fund


You love so much about Lake Bluff Parks, that you can't choose just one fund! Make a contribution to the Unrestricted Fund and your generosity will be put to great use where needed the most.

Donation Form
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